Saturday, August 31, 2019

Role of Stakeholder

Role of Stakeholder Jane C. Doe MGT/420 December 10, 2012 George Wells Role of Stakeholder The role of stakeholder in implementing a quality management process is one that has many facets. When an organization decides to embark upon a quality management process there are many people, internally and externally, dependent upon or affected in some way by the final product, output or process (â€Å"Tutorialspoint†,  2012). In order to decide who the stakeholders will be in the process, management of the stakeholder process is essential.First, it is important to identify all those required to ensure the success of creating an efficient process; those involved are either inside or outside of the organization (â€Å"Tutorialspoint†,  2012). Second, an analysis to ascertain what the stakeholder’s needs, boundaries, expectations, locus of control within the process, and mutual relationships will be is necessary to make sure everyone involved understands his or her rol e (â€Å"Tutorialspoint†,  2012).A third and also important step is the process of engaging all stakeholders early on in the project. Stakeholders must have the ability to engage with the leaders of the quality management process to familiarize everyone with each other and understand each person’s role within the process. When working conceptually with quality management, the three spheres of quality known as quality management, quality control, and quality assurance each have their own role but also overlap (Foster, Chapter  1, Differing Perspectives on Quality,   2007).In each of the spheres mentioned herein, stakeholders play various roles. In order for an organization to achieve, maintain, and improve the quality of its offerings, companies use quality control and quality assurance processes and procedures (â€Å"Tutorialspoint†,  2012). Organizations will define their internal quality standards, procedures, and processes as well as develop stakehold ers who will be required to adhere to those standards when dealing with quality control. Stakeholders will monitor process apability and stability, measure process performance, develop and maintain control charts and more (Foster, Chapter  1, Differing Perspectives on Quality,  2007). In terms of quality assurance, stakeholders are required to put forth a continuous effort to improve the quality practices within the organization. According to  Ã¢â‚¬Å"Tutorialspoint†Ã‚  (2012),  Ã¢â‚¬Å"Continuous improvements are expected in quality functions in the company. For this, there is a dedicated quality assurance team commissioned†Ã‚  (Quality Control & Quality Assurance).The stakeholders of a quality assurance team are dedicated to and responsible for defining a process for achieving and improving quality; they are responsible for process improvement (Foster, Chapter  1, Differing Perspectives on Quality,  2007). â€Å"The management processes that overarch and tie together the control and assurance activities make up quality management† (Foster, 2007, Chapter 1, Differing Perspectives on Quality). According to Foster  (2007),  the mixed view of quality management up holds the notion that quality is the responsibility of all management, not just quality managers (Chapter  1, Differing Perspectives on Quality).So in the case of implementing a quality management process, managers, supervisors, and employees are all stakeholder of varying degrees in implementing quality management activities such as planning, creating the quality culture, providing leadership and support, providing training and employee recognition, and facilitating organizational communication (Foster, Chapter  1, Differing Perspectives on Quality,   2007). Two companies that utilized world-class quality control plans are General Electric (GE) and Federal Express (FedEx). To keep GE ahead, managers have devised an array of corporate strategies. They put exceptio nally heavy reliance on the quality control program that far outstrips run-of-the-mill efforts†Ã‚  (Foster, 2007, Chapter 1, Differing Perspectives on Quality). FedEx utilizes the value-added perspective on quality (Foster, Chapter  1, Differing Perspectives on Quality, 2007). â€Å"To reach its aggressive quality goals, the company has set up one cross-functional team for each service component of the SQI† (Foster, 2007, Chapter 1, Differing Perspectives on Quality).The SQI is a 12-component index that FedEx uses that comprehensively describes how its performance is viewed by its customers. Each item in the service quality indicator is weighted to reflect how pointedly it affects overall customer service (Foster, Chapter  1, Differing Perspectives on Quality,  2007). References Foster, S. T. (2007). Managing quality. Integrating the supply chain (3rd ed. ). Retrieved from https://ecampus. phoenix. edu/content/eBookLibrary2/content/eReader. aspx#gloss01_357. Tutor ialsPoint. (2012). Retrieved from http://www. tutorialspoint. com/management_concepts/stakeholder_management. htm

Friday, August 30, 2019

April Morning by Howard Fast Essay

â€Å"April Morning† by Howard Fast is a novel that takes place during the Battle of Lexington on April 19, 1775. The entire book takes place during a 24 hour time period. Adam Cooper is the antagonist in this novel. When Adam goes to bed on the eve of April 18, 1775 he is a boy. When he awakens the next morning he is forced to become a man. In the early hours of the morning he, along with the rest of the town, is awakened by a lone rider racing to Lexington to warn them that a British army, of maybe a thousand men, is marching their way. Immediately the town is in a frenzy to prepare for the British arrival. The book is about Adam’s journey during the Battle of Lexington. Adam Cooper is just 15 years old when he chooses to fight alongside his father in the Battle of Lexington. He is a brave and courageous character. He admits, at least to himself, that he is scared to fight but it does not prevent him from fulfilling his duty to his people. During the battle Adam reveals that he does not enjoy killing and shooting people. His character is full of sarcasm and curiosity. He is constantly questioning everything including God which was practically unheard of in his time. Moses Cooper is Adam’s father. He is a strong man who loves to argue and debate with anyone. He is tough on Adam, so much so that Adam is convinced that his father hates him. There is only one point in this novel where Moses shows any kind of affection towards Adam, and it is right before the battle where Moses is killed. Solomon Chandler is an older man whom Adam runs into while running away from two redcoat soldiers. Solomon takes Adam under his wing so to say for the rest of the battle. He comforts Adam and provides Adam a shoulder to cry on after Adams father is shot and killed. Later we find out that Solomon has a darker side to him when he is shooting the Redcoat soldiers and laughing like it is a game. Granny also known as Goody Cooper is Adams grandmother. She and Adam seem very close. You can tell she is a tough woman but she is much more sensitive than her son Moses. Constantly you read about her reprimanding Moses even though he is full grown and has a family of his own. She is not afraid to voice her opinion to anyone. When the Redcoats are ransacking her home, she does not sit and cower, she follows them into every room and yells and screams at them calling them thieves and murderers. Ruth Simmons is Adams second cousin once removed. She is also his love interest in the story. Ruth has known Adam her whole life and decided when she was 13 years old that he was the man she wanted to marry. One of the many conflicts in this novel includes the physical size of the British Army verses the townspeople’s army. The British have an army of well over 1000 men, whereas Lexington was only able to acquire less than 100 men. When the British arrive at Lexington all of the men are faced with the option to both stand and fight, which was considered suicide, or they could run away. They had to make up their mind quick. Every single man ran and fled the town. Had they not there is no doubt that they would all have been slaughtered. Once the committees get together all the remaining men from nearby towns they plan to ambush the British. Adam describes how tiered and weak his body is. He is so tiered that he actually stops shooting and finds a spot under a tree where he falls asleep! He cannot physically stay awake any longer. At the end of the battle when Adam returns home he finds Ruth and they talk about the future. He confirms to Ruth that he does in fact love her, and to himself he confirms that he doesn’t want to marry any other girl but her. However, there is still the matter of Adam going to fight again and when Ruth asks Adam if he will sign the muster book he is torn between staying with his family and Ruth or going to war and fighting. As I read â€Å"April Morning† I found it very hard to stop reading. It is a fast moving book that goes through, in detail, each battle that Adam had to face in just 24 hours. I loved Adams character mostly because of his sarcasm in the beginning of the novel. I liked the fact that he did not really want to shoot and kill the Redcoats he just wanted them to leave. The book was cleverly written, and I admired Howard Fast for being able to write a book just about one day and still keeps it interesting the whole way through. I never found myself getting bored or tiered of reading it. I think it gives a great perspective on what the Battle of Lexington was like. It had everything a book, in my opinion, should have: love, hate, sorrow, terror, adventure, and action. A great read for anyone interested in learning more about our American history and how the American Revolution began.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

A Comparison Contrast of A Brave New World and 198

A Comparison Contrast of A Brave New World and 198 Essay 4Although many similarities exist between Aldous Huxleys A Brave New World and George Orwells 1984, the works books though they deal with similar topics, are more dissimilar than alike. A Brave New World is a novel about the struggle of Bernard Marx, who rejects the tenants of his society when he discovers that he is not truly happy. 1984 is the story of Winston who finds forbidden love within the hypocrisy of his society. In both cases, the main character is in quiet rebellion against his government which is eventually found to be in vain. Huxley wrote A Brave New World in the third person so that the reader could be allotted a more comprehensive view of the activities he presents. His characters are shallow and cartoon-like (Astrachan) in order to better reflect the society in which they are entrapped. In this society traditional notions of love and what ideally should come out of it have long been disregarded and are now despised, Mother, monogamy, romance. High spurts the fountain; fierce and foamy the wild jet. The urge has but a single outlet. (Huxley 41) The comparison to a wild jet is intended to demonstrate the inherent dangers in these activities. Many of the Brave New Worlds social norms are intended to save its citizens from anything unpleasant through depriving them of the opportunity to miss anything overly pleasant. The society values, ACOMMUNITY, IDENTITY, STABILITY, (Huxley 1) supersede all else in a collective effort. Soma, the magical ultimate drug is what keeps the population from revolting. What yo u need is a gramme of soma All the advantages of Christianity and alcohol; none of their defects. The drug is at the forefront of their daily lives providing freedom from lifes every ill. The word comes from the Sanskrit language of ancient India. It means both an intoxicating drink used in the old Vedic religious rituals there and the plant from whose juice the drink was made- a plant whose true identity we dont know. (Astrachan) The drug is used as a form of recreation, like sex, and its use is encouraged at any opportunity, especially when great emotions begin to arise. They are conditioned to accept this to calm and pacify them should they begin to feel anything too intensely. The conditioning also provides them with their place and prevents them from participating in social activities which they neednt take part in. (Smith) Class consciousness which Americans are so reluctant to acknowledge is taught through hypnopdia (the repetition of phrases during sleep akin to post hypnotic suggestion) for all social classes:These names are letters in the Greek alphabet, familiar to Huxleys original English readers because in English schools they are used as grades- like our As, Bs, etc.- with Alpha plus the best and Epsilon minus the worst. In Brave New World, each names a class or caste. Alphas and Betas remain individuals; only Gammas, Deltas, and Epsilons are bokanovskified. (Astrachan)The conditioning is begun at an extremely young age and is by modern real-world standards cruel, AThe screaming of the babies suddenly changed its tone. There was something desperate, almost insane, about the sharp spasmodic yelps to which they now gave utterance. (Huxley 20) The childrens Pavlovian conditioning with electric shocks is later compared to the wax seals which used to grace the seams of letters (Astrachan), Not so much like drops of water, though water, it is true, can wear holes in the hardest granite; rather, drops of liquid sealing-wax, drops that adhere, incrust, incorporate themselves with what they fall on, till finally the rock is all one scarlet blob. The entire society is conditioned to shrink away from intense emotion, engage in casual sex, and take their pacifying Soma. READ: All American Tragedy EssayIn 1984, a first-person book partly narrated by the main characters internal dialogue, the great party leader is Big Brother, a fictional character who is somewhat more imposing than Ford, of Huxleys book, named after the industrialist Henry Ford (Astrachan). The main character Winston fears Big Brother and is much more aware of his situation than any of the characters in A Brave New World who are constantly pacified by soma. In A Brave New World

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

The Channel Tunnel Project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

The Channel Tunnel Project - Essay Example The tunnel cost almost $16 billion which was more than twice of the initial cost estimates. The primary focus of the project was to ensure that safety, defence, security and environmental issues do not go unnoticed. The key finding of the assignment is that the entire channel tunnel project was inaccurately scheduled and thus led to all the issues. Therefore the most challenging task of the project was to complete it within the stipulated time frame. Table of Contents Table of Contents 3 Introduction 4 Project Background 4 Project Management Issues 5 7 Discussion and Analysis 8 Conclusion 10 References 11 Introduction The channel tunnel project was carried out to create a link between France and England through underground tunnels. The channel tunnel also referred to as the Euro tunnel is basically a railway link between United Kingdom and France under the English Channel (7wonders, n.d.). The purpose of the report is to highlight on the areas such as backdrop of the project, the iss ues pertaining to the project and some of the risks which are associated with the project. In other words the report will try to illustrate the exact happenings about and will provide all the relevant details regarding management of the project. Apart from this the report will also highlight on some of issues pertaining to the operation management of the project. The issues will relate to the designing phase, approval phase and the manufacturing phase. However the dissertation will also try to analyse the case and based on which some propositions and recommendations will be also presented. The recommendation and the propositions will be strictly based on governance and management of the project. The report will try to minimize and solve the business management challenges and risks associated with the project. In order to do so some of the operation management tools and techniques such as work breakdown structure, risk management will be consulted. Project Background The project of c hannel tunnel was undertaken in order to link United Kingdom and France through Railways. The project was supposed to be carried out beneath the English Channel between Folkestone of United Kingdom and Calais of France (Construct my future, n.d.). In the context of its development process the project was simply divided into the design phase, manufacturing phase and testing phase. Eurotunnel was chosen as the organization to carry out the entire operation of developing the project. Eurotunnel has contracted the project to Transmachine Link (TML) that has again sub contracted other manufacturers for manufacturing the shuttle wagons. The core reason which has been cited for its outsourcing was the tight timescale factor and companies having to bear heavy liquidity damages. Therefore it minimizes the chances of penalty and risk gets shared. Now to initiate the project there were requirements of a large number of approvals from the Intergovernmental commission (IGC) in the context of des ign, construction and operational phase. Intergovernmental commission was established or recognized under the article 10 of the agreement for managing all the operational activities of the channel tunnel on behalf of the French and UK government (Great Britain: Parliament: House of Lords: European Union Committee, 2011, p.20). The major focus of the project was on safety, security,

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

The Power of Internal Marketing Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

The Power of Internal Marketing - Research Paper Example Internal marketing dictates that excellent marketing departments, by no means, are the guarantee of extraordinary value creation for the customer. In fact, any organization, where employees point out at the marketing department by saying that â€Å"They do the marketing†, might not ever be able to realize its potential (Knudsen, 1995). Only when employees start understanding that the goal of achieving customer satisfaction, through value creation, is the job of all employees, the company becomes a pure market organization (Lauer, 2010; Boone and Kurtz, 2011). Consider the example of a Vice President of Marketing at an airline company. He has adopted a market penetration strategy and intends to do the same with cleaner cabins, lower fares, better-trained crew and providing better quality food, which lead to customer satisfaction, customer retention and word of mouth advertisement. However, the Vice President is helpless in this case because the catering department serves food of average quality in order to keep the costs down. The human resource department does not care if the crewmembers are friendly enough. The maintenance department is indifferent about high quality and constant cleaning and just focuses on ordinary services. Furthermore, the finance department has been increasing the fares in order to improve the liquidity position of the company (Cahill, 2008).

Monday, August 26, 2019

GLOBAL BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

GLOBAL BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT - Assignment Example During financialization, capitalism is often affected by the dominance of the financial sector over the productive sector(Krippner, 2011, p. 9). The essay critically analyzes some of the themes covered by Erturk et al. (2008) and their relevance to contemporary business and economy. According to (Ismail, et al., 2008, p. 239) there is no outline for a single market culture thesis. Instead, the issues discussed revolve around a variety of themes that touch on the market culture of society and politics. One of the market culture themes that have been identified covers a shift in interest among economical agents, from the inequality to difference; from the market economy of resource distribution in the economy of cultural recognition and identity. Economic actors are less concerned with issues related to the economic equality and are constantly shifting their attention to cultural differences. The dimensions of inequality in the economy have been focused on less, relative to the cultural considerations and differences that have turned to be a major problem. On a standard sociological account, the relation between economics and economies has been interpreted to be quite weak. The reason behind this prerogative ideology is that the economics provide highly abstract market models that are based on behavior and governing assumptions that have no world equivalences in reality. Along similar lines, the academic economics do not have a great deal of importance for businesses, even though it has a recognizable significance for states(Budd & Harris, 2004, p. 74). On the other hand, (Callon, 2004, p. 242)views the economy as a set of reliable technical practices rather than a bad science. He also visualizes the economy as a technology that creates phenomena and allows participation in shaping whatever it describes. The interest in the economy should be based less on the set of accurate representations of the

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Media and Entertainment Law in Ireland Case Study

Media and Entertainment Law in Ireland - Case Study Example How it helps Mr. Finbar to collect money and how much it justifies Ms. Jenny McSwindle It's about the Mr. Finbar, who is blessed with the inborn ability of composing songs for children. He wanted himself to be renowned but unluckily he couldn't carry any chance. Despite the fact that he worked hard to contact different areas who can lead his music on a success stair but unfortunately he couldn't get any positive end out of it. He wrote around eight different songs and prepared its demo on the compact disk and some on music sheets. He sent the parcels of his demo compact disk and musical sheet not only to different composing companies but also to different TV stations. He even granted permission to TV stations to use his demo work free of cost. One lucky day, Ms. Jenny McSwindle, the producer of children program "The Nerd" on channel TV8 and notice his exotic work on animals. It seems to be good idea to start the series of animals in a graphical musical style to make children learn about different animals. Ms. Jenny McSwindle, decided to show up the 8 different songs in eight weeks showing up one each week. Though, she inserted a slot in her program "The Nerd", showing up people dancing and singing Mr. Finbar's lyrics each week. It was a good and attractive idea which gave success and though eight series won't be enough for her audience and though decided to write Mr. Finbar for more songs. She wrote Mr. Finbar in letter that she was impressed with his style to teach children in an entertaining style. She thanked him for allowing them to use his demo songs and as incentive of it she feels pleasure to pay her 250 Euros for those eight demo songs. She told him that she used his songs in series shown every week started from the mid of the March and likes to have few more to start a professional series on domestic animals shown every week. This would not go free of cost but will be worth of 60 Euro per week and this may last over a ten week period. Many more encouraging words are ended up the letter saying sincerely, Jenny. With the excitement of the fine and first opportunity, Mr. Finbar composed a batch of new songs based on different animals and posted to TV8. Latter, Ms. Jenny McSwindle started facing financial problem for which she scraped the musical slot from her program "The Nerd". Mr. Finbar's composed songs were misdirected due to some mistake made by the post company and though reached the TV8 eventually. This letter was one week late to the letter Ms. Jenny McSwindle already sent officially to him on 30th April stating that she don't need any more writings as she is facing financial problems. Now this seems to be a big disaster for the fortune Mr. Finbar was dreaming of. It was tuff time on him when he controlled himself and demanded for the remuneration of his work. It was a severe time upon Mr. Finbar as he received a big No for his demand. At this time, as it is all happening in Ireland, this is a great question for which Mr. Finbar is searching to get acknowledgment about that if law can do anything to help him. However, on his much insistence, Seniors of TV8 agreed to pay him but less then what they decided for each week. I.e., they kept his musical slots and started a series on domestic animals and paid him for 15 Euro instead of 60 Euro, for each week. This was very unfair deal TV8 did, but the gifted composing showed up

Aerodynamic Drag Reduction in Modern Consumer Automobiles Dissertation

Aerodynamic Drag Reduction in Modern Consumer Automobiles - Dissertation Example Within the course of their experiments, they uncovered many different types of aerodynamic drag on vehicles. In addressing these disparities, they came up with various modern designs to also help to reduce drag. Moreover, it can be seen that dissimilarities existed in the differences between racing car design and road car design, which had led them to explore the reasons why road vehicles did not look like racing cars. This paper will investigate other factors, such as European legislation, that influences the appearance of road vehicles. In addition, it will discuss how and why the appearance of modern cars changed in recent years through the use of texts, pictures, graphs, equations and diagrams. Moreover, the role of Bernoulli relationship on the flow around an object will be explored as well as an explanation of boundary layer properties. Finally, it will analyze flow control using passive methods like vortex generators. Clearly, researchers in their investigations had devised in novative ways to reduce the aerodynamic drag of modern road vehicles. Bettes (1982) defined aerodynamic drag as occurring when a car moved through air and the energy that opposed its direction and slowed down its movement. Another more comprehensive definition of aerodynamic drag was: †The resistance of the air to forward movement, sometimes called "aerodynamic drag". This is a factor of the shape of the vehicle, the objects which stick out (i.e., mirrors, mufflers, bumpers), the amount of turbulence at the rear of the vehicle, the nature of the vehicle's skin surface, and the amount of air going through the vehicle for cooling and ventilation. The faster you go, the greater the air friction (proportional to velocity ²). At the same time, the power to overcome such friction is proportional to velocity ³.† ( ... Moreover, the role of Bernoulli relationship on the flow around an object will be explored as well as an explanation of boundary layer properties. Finally, it will analyze flow control using passive methods like vortex generators. Clearly, researchers in their investigations had devised innovative ways to reduce the aerodynamic drag of modern road vehicles. II. Aerodynamic Drag of Vehicles a. Drag and the Different Types of Aerodynamic Drag on Vehicles Bettes (1982) defined aerodynamic drag as occurring when a car moved through air and the energy that opposed its direction and slowed down its movement. Another more comprehensive definition of aerodynamic drag was: †The resistance of the air to forward movement, sometimes called "aerodynamic drag". This is a factor of the shape of the vehicle, the objects which stick out (i.e., mirrors, mufflers, bumpers), the amount of turbulence at the rear of the vehicle, the nature of the vehicle's skin surface, and the amount of air going t hrough the vehicle for cooling and ventilation. The faster you go, the greater the air friction (proportional to velocity?). At the same time, the power to overcome such friction is proportional to velocity?.† ( Bettes (1982) examined the fuel use required to offset the aerodynamic drag of road vehicles, but it served as one of many factors affecting cars. Lift force and the side force comprised other factors as well, which were referred to in non dimensional coefficients used in a broad speed array. Moreover, these forces and their associations with their axes (pitching, yawing, and rolling) relied upon the square of the speed of the

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Development 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Development 1 - Essay Example 1 Balanced growth (1953) The theory of balanced growth was proposed by Ragnar Nurkse in 1953. This theory was framed on the fact that newly independent economies could not achieve faster economic development due to the rapidity in basic commodity exports. The imported industrial commodities were the only alternatives which could have expanded the destroyed economies. In other words, the balanced growth or simultaneous enlargement of all industries was the most appropriate way to stimulate the economic growth of underdeveloped economies. At the same time, this type of growth necessitated the accumulation of large resources at one time. According to Nurkse (1953), â€Å"poor developing economies were characterized by a large surplus of labour employed at zero marginal cost in the traditional sector† (cited in Hayami, Hayami and Godo, 135). Nurkse’s model failed to provide adequate alternatives for the development of newly independent economies. Take-off into sustained gro wth (1956) Rostow (1956) defines Take-off into sustained growth model as, â€Å"the interval during which the rate of investment increases in such a way that real output per capita rises† (cited in Crouzet, 153). He also proposes certain conditions for the application of this theory. Rostow says that the proportion of net investment to national income must rise from 5% to 10% in order to satisfy the terms of the theory. Although Rostow connected his theory with the events occurred in Great Britain and several other countries, the theorist could not get any support from the available quantitative data (153). Critical minimum effort thesis (1957) Harvey Leibenstein (1957 cited in Gupta, 176), in his Critical Minimum Effort thesis, says that initial stimulants to development must possess a critical minimum size in order to achieve sustained growth. He continues that change in the value of a set of variables causes the economic backwardness and it possesses a certain degree of st eadiness. Since the economy is subjected to frequent shocks, the actual value of the variables will always be different from that of equilibrium values. Although these stimulants have the capacity to raise the per capita incomes, it is not possible in economically backward regions due to the weakness of the magnitude of these stimulants. 2 The export-oriented industrialization strategy was introduced as a technique to reframe the underdeveloped economies. The essence of the theory is that large scale production and thereby exports would enhance the economic growth of the country. Hence, developing countries too much depended on the exports of a few primary products in order to bridge the wider gap with advanced economies. Dijck, Linnemann and Verbruggen (3) tells that as a result of this strategy, more and more foreign investors were attracted towards the country so that these developing nations were compelled to arrange all favorable investment situations for the foreigners. It cau sed severe challenges to governments as they faced with huge difficulties in implementing the planned budgets and other policies. In addition, the governments lost huge amounts on possible receipts as a result of unfavorable incentive schemes. Similarly, the export-oriented industrialisation caused curtailment of labor wages and it led to political oppression. This strategy influenced the developing natio

Friday, August 23, 2019

My views about Human Resource Development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

My views about Human Resource Development - Essay Example Competency development and employee retention have become the key areas of concern for HR professionals. They serve as mentors, coaches, succession planners and counselors in order to inculcate motivation in organizational personnel to display best performance. As the organizational challenges have increased, the time has arrived for the HR professionals to be acquainted with complete understanding of the organization in the broader spectrum. The HR must have representation in the organizational decision making as well as policy making. It is the responsibility of an HR professional to make due effort for promotion of ethics and morality in the organizational culture. In the present age, organizational personnel are becoming more and more diverse in terms of race, gender, age and ethnicity. Most importantly, the HR professionals should play an important role in managing diversity in the workplace. This involves resolving interpersonal conflicts and allocating right responsibilities t o the right individual at the right time. Multiculturalism is an essential feature of organizations in the present age. An organization has to have diversity of talent in order to come up with innovative ideas that are the biggest need of the hour.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Ethics Games Dilemmas Essay Example for Free

Ethics Games Dilemmas Essay The Baird Method based on the four ethical lenses and the four plus one decision-making method. In taking previous classes it was determine that no one lens fits the values of student Nayeli Trejos. The professor shocked with the results, and no student prior to Nayeli received that score in the lens test. This has to do with the fact that a person is not a particular lens all the time but shifts into a lens, depending on the situation. Two dilemmas were presented to the student after coaching in each lens the best decision based on the lens was chosen. The student had the opportunity to make the decision based on core values of the individual. Ethical Issues of Simulation and Decision making steps The first ethical issue presented in the simulation was a concern of an employee with a possible sexual harassment case. This employee had voiced concern about feeling uncomfortable in certain situations. The director of sales made aware by a third party regarding the situation of the employee receiving extra attention. The director received an e-mail from the employee stating the employee wanted to meet but for the director to keep everything confidential. The director of sales used the four plus one step decision-making plan known as the Baird method. The steps are be attentive, be intelligent, be reasonable, be responsible and be reflective (Ethicsgame, 2012). The best decision was based on the rights/responsibility lens and the results lens. The ethical issue presented in the second situation discusses tampering with research data results. The marketing director received a request to review the data to be submitted by the division medical director for publication. After reviewing the report the marketing director noticed inconsistencies form the first report drafted. The medical director removed data that was not favorable for the research and replaced with favorable data. The four plus one decision method was to address ethical issues. The marketing director chose the best option based on the results and reputation lens. Ethical Lenses used and  Lens Influence on Decision There are four ethical lenses that influenced the decision of the simulated ethical issues. The simulation offered the perspectives of the lenses to make the best decision based on the lens tools. The lenses are rights/responsibility lens, results lens, relationship lens, and reputation lens (Ethicsgame, 2012). Each dilemma presented offered two lenses to make a decision based on the tools of each lens. The simulation gave the best answer based on the lens and after the reader had the choice based on the individuals core values. After identifying the best choice for all lenses the students choice was rated for risk. Concepts Relating to the Workplace A lifeguard on duty needs to be easily identifiable for that reason employers require uniforms. Lifeguards uniform includes a bathing suit or trunk at all times while on duty. Females have an option of wearing trunks and a shirt over the bathing suit. Males have the option of wearing a shirt. The facility sees approximately 1,200 patrons a day. The probability of sexual harassment in this environment is higher. There are employees under age working alongside employees who are much older. Some females expressed feeling uncomfortable in certain situations. These concerns were addressed immediately to protect the employee as well as the organization. It is a requirement for employees to attend regular training and meeting to discuss policies and procedures. In these meetings a manual is issued to employees stating policies, procedure, and legal rights. The protocols were outline for the individuals in case of any situation. In addition to employee trainings supervisors are sent to an additional management meeting. This meeting addressed how to follow proper protocol to protect the individual filling the report as well as the organization. Conclusion Knowledge is power and educating employees will reduce risk of ethical issues. In these simulations different ethical issues were addressed. The opportunity to view two different perspectives before making a decision is beneficial. This allows the decision maker to reduce risk and keep the best interest of all parties involved. Know that the decision maker will not only stay in one lens but also will mold, depending on the situation at hand. References EthicsGame (2012). Retrieved from

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Development of Space Power in India

Development of Space Power in India SPACE POWER- A FORCE MULTIPLIER â€Å"The vastness of space is a key factor in the war-form of the future† Alvin Heidi Toffler[1] CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION The Space has always been a matter of great interest to human race, which gazed and tried to explore this cosmic world for thousands of years. Even our own epics talk a lot about space and its utilisation. The space warfare is as old as Indian mythology. However, Science flourished during the European Renaissance and fundamental physical laws governing planetary motion were discovered, and the orbits of the planets around the Sun were calculated. The Chinese were the first to develop a rocket in around 1212 AD. In 1883, a Russian schoolmaster, Konstantin Tsiolkovsky, first explained the mechanics of how a rocket could fly into space.[2]. In the 17th century, astronomers pointed a new device called the telescope at the heavens and made startling discoveries[3]. On 03 Oct 1942, German scientists launched an A-4 rocket, which travelled a distance of 190 km and reached an altitude of over 80 km. Orbital operations started with Soviet Sputnik-1 satellite in 1957[4]. Since then exploration and exploitation of the space has been a continued effort. This led to the unfolding of mysteries of the space world and thus using it for own advantages. Military use of space started with the launch of an American reconnaissance satellite in 1960.[5] Since then, the utilisation of space has been a matter of debate and controversies as far as direct war fighting military roles and missions are concerned. However, the support operations like Intelligence, communication and reconnaissance, which came first, did not face much of resistance. The benefits possible from the space-based support operations were realised very quickly and these operations were extended further to surveillance, mapping, navigation, ground mapping, environmental monitoring etc. Space systems have brought better intelligence and stronger defences by enabling the collection of new types of data and information; significantly increasing communications capabilities and capacities; revolutionizing precision navigation and timing; enriching science; establishing new markets; providing safer air, land, and sea transportation; and enabling faster disaster relief as well as more effective civil planning[6]. The phenomenal utilization and exploitation of the space medium has finally provided the users the power to gain advantage over the enemy. Traditionally, power has been related to explosive ordinance and target destruction. But in the post-Cold War world, the power most often delivered by airmen has taken the form of humanitarian aid: food, medical supplies, and heavy equipment.[7] Also Knowledge is the purest form of power and is the reason that overhead surveillance, reconnaissance, and intelligence-gathering efforts are so important in both war and peace. Information delivered from above can be used to strengthen a friendly regime, discredit an enemy regime, or directly attack the morale of an adversarys frontline troops. They can detect missile launches, nuclear tests and they can provide secure real time communications all over the world. The resolution available with satellite reconnaissance is more than adequate for military needs. The accuracy of GPS is known to us all. In le ss hostile circumstances, the information might consist of humanitarian warnings about impending natural disasters or news about disaster-relief efforts[8]. The meteorological satellites provide accurate weather data from any part of the world. Thus in past few years, space-based systems have enabled dramatic improvement in military and intelligence operations thus enhancing its capability, accuracy and fire power. Thus the Space medium emerging as Space Power and the most effective and widely used force multiplier. METHODOLOGY Statement Of Problem To study and analyse the feasibility of Space Power to evolve as a frontline force multiplier for India and to critically examine the road ahead. Justification Of Study Indias achievement in the field of space capability may not seem to be very advanced especially when compared with the accomplishments of the superpowers and elite members of the satellite club. However, one needs to look at the Indian space programme in isolation to fully understand the tremendous progress and achievements that have been made from such a humble beginning. All the countries have developed launch vehicles as an offshoot of their ballistic missile projects, and their satellites were primarily intended for military use. Non- military applications were a spinoff of the military programmes, whereas India has developed space applications and launch vehicles for totally civilian use. The technology was also used within a broader framework to achieve socio-economic development, and military spin-offs have been incidental. Therefore, India has an inherent advantage as far as civilian support role is concerned however it needs special effort and attitude to develop military support application. Utilization of Space medium and Control of space based assets will be an important ingredient of future world power. President APJ Kalam has stated that accomplishments in space have traditionally been a barometer of international status, technological prowess and enhanced military capability. Rapid advancements in Information Technology, Internet and Com munications are increasingly utilising space based assets. These assets play a decisive role in shaping the outcome of conflicts and are engines that drive economic growths. India and China are likely to be the economic powerhouses of the 21st Century. India is also emerging as a key balancer of Asian stability. By its combined military and space technology, India would be required to contain regional conflicts and prevent unscrupulous exploitation of the Indian Ocean region[9]. Therefore development of space power both for military and civilian use, especially as a force multiplier is must to climb up the pyramid of world power. Perceptions determine actions. The militarys perception of the air and space environment influences the type of space forces it will develop in the future[10]. In Indias context which has belligerent neighbours, space based capabilities are the definite force multiplier. In fact, military strategist call space the new ‘High Ground. Which will bring in revolutionary changes in military affairs. Therefore we need to decide the kind of space force which we need to develop to exploit Space medium to the maximum as a force multiplier to maintain edge in the region. Scope This study analyses the exploitation of Space Force as a force multiplier in the Indian Context. Methods Of Data Collection The information and data for this dissertation has been gathered through internet, various books, papers, journals and newspapers. In addition, lectures delivered by dignitaries at DSSC have been utilised to gather information. The bibliography of sources is appended at the end of the dissertation. Organisation Of The Dissertation It is proposed to study the subject in the following manner:- (a) Chapter I Introduction and Methodology. (b) Chapter II Understanding Space power. (c) Chapter III Roles and Application of Space Power. (d) Chapter IV Space Power as Force Multiplier. (e) Chapter V Indian Capability and the Road Ahead. (f) Chapter VI Recommendations and Conclusion. CHAPTER II UNDERSTANDING SPACE POWER The beginning of wisdom is calling things by their right names. —Confucius Space has fascinated many thinkers, philosophers and Air Warriors equally for a long time. Many a researches and money has gone in exploring and exploiting space but still the concepts are not very clear to many of us. It is extremely important for us to have clear understanding of space before we can evaluate the role and utilization of space medium. Definitions Space Space is void of substance, offers no protection from harmful radiation, and allows only the balance between thrust and gravity with which to maneuver.[11] Space begins where satellites can maintain orbit (81 miles) and extends to infinity.[12] Power is control or authority to influence; the ability to produce an act or event.[13] And Space power is a nations ability to exploit and control the space medium to support and achieve national goals.[14] Gravity The driving force behind all orbital dynamics is the force of gravity and is defined by the law of universal Gravitation given by Isaac Newton in 1687. It states â€Å" Every particle in the universe attracts every other particle with a force that is proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between the particle†.[15] Escape Velocity Satellites maintain orbit around a planet (Earth in our case) at a particular speed at a given height. If the speed is increased, the satellite goes into a higher orbit. Escape velocity is the speed at which the centrifugal force becomes greater than the pull of planetary gravity. The object would then cease to be an Earth-satellite, and start moving away from the earth. At 500 km the escape velocity is 10.8 km/sec.[16] Satellite Inclination Every satellite orbits within a plane that passes through Earths gravitational centre. The angle formed between the orbital plane of the satellite and the plane of the Earths equator. BY convention, it is measured anticlockwise from the equator to the orbital plane at the point where the satellite crosses, passing to north[17]. Orbits with inclination at or closer to 90 degrees are known as ‘polar orbits. ‘Equatorial orbits are those in or very close to the plane of the equator. The rest, between these two limits, are ‘inclined orbits. The combination of the satellites own motion and that of the rotating planet beneath produces a ‘ground track joining the successive points on the planet which fall directly beneath the satellite. The surface area of the planet in line-of-sight or direct communication with any satellite is a function of its altitude and ground track. In the lowest feasible orbits, the area that can be ‘seen by satelli te sensors is no more than that of one of Earths larger cities. Orbital Decay With a perfectly spherical planet of even density, no air resistance, and no minute gravitational pulls from neighbouring bodies (such as Sun, the Moon, and the other planets), a satellite would stay in orbit forever. In the real world these factors upset the balance of forces which sustains the orbit, which causes it to ‘decay, so that the satellite eventually falls to the Earth. For practical purposes, satellites which go below 300 km encounter air resistance serious enough to require intermittent use of on-board boosters to maintain their orbits.[18] Low Earth Orbit (LEO). This orbit ranges from a height of 200 and 5000 km. Polar and highly inclined orbits are favoured for general reconnaissance missions since they give planet-wide coverage. The periods of such range between 90 minutes and a few hours. Sun Synchronous orbit It is the orbit where in the satellite is used for surveillance at optical wave length and whose orbital motion will bring it periodically over the same area of interest at the same sunlight conditions from day to day. These orbital planes are called as Sun Synchronous orbit[19]. These are low earth orbits inclined at about 98 °. Semi-synchronous Orbit. This is circular orbit at 20,700 km with a period of 12 hours. The term is sometimes extended to all orbits between LEO and this orbit. Molniya Orbit. This is a highly elliptical orbit, at an altitude of between 500 40000 km, with a 12 hour period. This orbit is most stable at an inclination of 63 degrees. (At other inclinations gravitational anomalies resulting from irregularities in the shape and density of the planet cause the major axis of such an orbit the line joining the apogee and the perigee points to rotate inconveniently.) This orbit was used by the Soviet Union to provide satellite spending 11 hours out of 12 hours above the northern hemisphere.[20] Geostationary Satellite As the orbital height increases, so orbital period increases. If the orbital height increases to 35875km, the orbital period will be synchronised with the rotation rate of the Earth. Such a satellite would be called a geosynchronous satellite. If these satellite have zero degree of inclination such that these satellites will appear stationary in the sky over a point on the equator to an observer on earth. Such a satellite would be called a geostationary satellite[21]. This is a circular, equatorial orbit at an altitude of 35,700 km. With a period of 24 hours, such satellites appear to remain almost stationary above a fixed point over the equator. In practice, they sometimes describe a very small ‘ of eight ground tracks about such a point. Three or more evenly spaced geostationary satellites can cover most of the planet, except the Polar Regions. These satellites are mainly used for communications or early warning of missiles. Geosynchronous Orbit has li ttle military or other uses because of its large ‘ of eight ground tracks, depending on its inclination. In military discussions the term ‘geostationary, is tending to be replaced by ‘geosynchronous, because the former is the limiting case of the latter. Even a small inclination causes a geostationary satellite to become a ‘strictly speaking geosynchronous one. Military geostationary satellites may sometimes have a use for such a ground track, though seldom for the much wider, true geosynchronous orbit.[22] Super-synchronous Orbit. The orbits above GEO have had little use so far, but offer many options for future military satellites taking refuge from ground based or LEO anti-satellites. Certain points of equilibrium between solar, lunar and terrestrial gravitation are especially interesting.[23] (a) Near-Earth Orbit (NEO) or aerospace extends 50 to 200 kilometers above the Earths surface, incorporating the mesosphere and the lower edge of the ionosphere in an intermediate region where aerodynamics and ballistics interact or succeed each other. In the short term, NEO will remain the primary location for the deployment of manned and unmanned military systems and probable major space industrialization facilities such as a manned space operations center (SOC)[24]. It is through this zone that ballistic missiles must proceed during and after their boost phase and are most vulnerable to antiballistic missile (ABM) systems. However, minimum long-range effects from nuclear explosions are found at altitudes between 50 and 150 kilometers: above 50 kilometers, the mechanical effects of shockwave pressures almost disappear as a consequence of the relatively low air density; below 150 kilometers, the air density is still high enough to reduce the range of corpuscular radiation through di spersion and absorption so that the long-range thermal effect is also not maximum.[25] Therefore, even very powerful nuclear devises in the megaton range must be detonated at relatively close proximity to their intended target at NEO to be effective, although electromagnetic pulse (EMP) effects could seriously disrupt unhardened electronic systems at long-range distances. Nevertheless, targets at NEO, compared to those at higher gravity well zones, are relatively vulnerable to Earth-based intervention because of an inherently short warning time available for the implementation of countermeasures and the minimal amount of energy that the enemy must expend to reach this zone. Conversely, a weapon system such as a fractional orbital bombardment system (FOBS) at NEO could attack targets on Earth with a minimum of warning[26]. (b) (c) The cislunar zone consists of all space between NEO and Lunar Surface Orbit (LSO), including Geosynchronous Earth Orbit (GEO). The cislunar zone provides military systems situated here the defensive option of a longer reaction time to implement countermeasures against Earth- or NEO-based intervention[27]. (d) (e) LSO consists of the zone of space where the Moon orbits the Earth, including Near Lunar Orbit (NLO) or the space immediately surrounding the Moon. (f) (g) The translunar zone is comprised of the space from LSO to approximately one million kilometers from the Earths surface, where the solar gravity well begins to predominate and includes the five Lagrangian points. These final zones will attain increasing military significance as the process of space industrialization evolves. Eventually the Moon and Lagrangian points could be used to dominate the entire Earth-Moon system.[28] Outer Space In the denomination of legal material dealing with the space exploration and nearly the entire space law, the term outer space is commonly used. But this term has not been defined to date with precision despite many attempts undertaken by jurists, International non-governmental and the United Nations bodies[29]. The difference between space and the outer space is generally not recognised. But the former term is wider than the latter and means the whole universe including the earth while outer space means all spaces other than the earth. In fact, outer space begins where the earths atmosphere ends and extends on in all directions infinitely. The upper limit of the air space constitutes the lowest limit of outer space. The outer space in a broader sense also consists of the entire space beyond celestial bodies and their atmosphere. Celestial bodies include all land masses in space and their atmosphere except Earth. Therefore, air space is excluded from outer space. The diff erence between space and outer space is insignificant in so far as the exploration and use of such domain is concerned[30]. (h) The tactical space environment The tactical space environment of the Earth-Moon system can be conceptualized as a series of gravity well zones that are somewhat analogous to terrestrial hills, promontories, and mountains in that much effort and energy must be initially expended to situate forces in such locations. Once attained, however, these positions can be used to dominate the terrain below with relative ease. 1 illustrates in two-dimensional form the gravity well zones of the Earth-Moon system, which are in reality three dimensional spheres[31]. (i) (j) During the next two decades, military space activities and the development of various commercial space enterprises (or space industrialization) will be primarily restricted to this system. Possible military missions in this tactical environment include direct intervention on the Earths surface form space, regulation of the flow of space traffic, protection of military and industrial space facilities, denial of strategic areas of space to others (such as choice satellite orbits at Geosynchronous Earth Orbit and the various Lagrangian points at which objects revolve with the same period as the gravitational Earth-Moon system and thus remain effectively stationary), and various surveillance, reconnaissance, navigation, command, control, and communication functions[32]. CLICHÉ ABOUT SPACE POWER The space power being the latest addition to the force of a Nation, there is still a huge dilemma about its placement, its use whether military or civilian and also its control. Currently, a fully developed space power theory does not exist. USSPACECOM, recognizing the void, has commissioned Dr. Brian R. Sullivan as lead author to develop this theory.[33] Therefore there is requirement to develop a fully fledged theory and doctrine to guide the developed of space power straight from its infancy. Space is the next great arena for exploration and exploitation. We are limited only by imagination to the wonders, challenges and excitement the next century will bring as far as space forces are concerned. Already, civil and commercial sectors have invested billions of dollars in space and the nations military recognizes its role to protect these interests. The debate within the military on how to best exploit this new medium continues. But there is a need to go over few of the basic issues about Space Power to understand it clearly. The militarys current view of the air and space environment seems to simultaneously focus on opposing relationships between the two mediums. Air and space represent two distinct realms and at the same time, they are difficult to separate because of their similarities. These two relationships exist simultaneously and come together to form the following organizational paradigm of the air and space environment: Space and the atmosphere represent two distin ct medium environments physically different from each other; while at the same time, they are physically linked, and theoretically and historically tied.[34] There are few of these set of fundamental issues which require to be vetted if we are to understand space power with the kind of clarity with which we now understand air power and if we are to understand their nexus[35]. First of the issue, is regarding direct use of space as a Space power or weaponising of space to use it as a force itself. We must determine whether space power apply great power quickly to any tangible target on the planet? Many people would answer no to this question because of political restraints on weaponising space. Others would argue for an affirmative answer based on technical, if not political, feasibility. In either case, the question concerning the applicability of the essence remains assumed but undemonstrated. Or perhaps there exists a space power version of the essence that differs from all other military operations, including air power[36]. Also there are concerns regarding the future of space power and the kinds of military operations that are likely to migrate to space. Space may become another battle space, or it may become only a home to military operations focussed on non-lethal activities in support of combat elsewhere. So the major concern is whether space will be used as direct source of force or will continued to be used as a force multiplier only. Why does the military need a space force? The answers to this question shape military space force development by providing a sense of long-term direction, describing how such a force would serve national interests, and prescribing a force structure to fulfill that need. They are foundational answers that ultimately form the basis for space power theory and enable the military to articulate and justify reasons for a military space force. As the military more clearly articulates why space forces are needed, the better it is able to identify specific requirements necessary to achieve those forces. Thus, this question and the next are closely tied together[37]. What should the military do in space? The answers to this question bring the focus from broad to specific. They help formulate the functions and missions of a military space force, and provide the framework for establishing detailed force requirements. To summarize, the answers to the question of who establish the advocates for a military space force development. The answers to the questions of why and what together develop and identify long term direction, and offer short-term input to the resource allocation process.[38] The next issue is to do with the control of space power. This will mainly emerge from our innovation, imagination and farsightedness. Air Power being the strongest contender of claiming the control of space, there is need to deeply study the relationship between Space power and Air Power. This relationship can be well understood only by defining and studying the relationship between space and Air. Who should lead and develop military space forces? This question addresses the need to focus on finding the best organization, or mix of organizations, to advocate a military space force. Military space advocates must be able to justify—on military grounds alone—the necessity of military forces in space. These organizations are the stewards that provide both administrative control over the forces that support military space power, and the war-fighting control of these forces during employment of that power. A space force advocate embraces and promotes the ideals for a military space force, and garners the support necessary to establish such a force[39]. Air and Space relationship The defining characteristic of air power is an operational regime ele ­vated above the earths surface. Conceptually, space power would seem to be more of the same at a higher elevation. The term aerospace, coined in the late 1950s, echoes this same theme, as do official pronouncements such as although there are physical differences between the atmosphere and space, there is no absolute boundary between them. The same basic military activities can be performed in each, albeit with different platforms and methods.[40] The move from earth to space transitsis through the air environment, thereby inherently bringing about a linkage as no space launch or recovery can take place without transiting through the air medium. Any differentiation between the two would be superficial and indefinable. In future, the air and space mediums would provide a seamless environment where Trans Atmospheric Vehicles (TAVs) and re-usable hypersonic vehicles could exploit it freely. In addition, with increas ed proliferation of Ballistic Missiles and development of potent nuclear warheads, there is a need to extend the current Air Defence capabilities to space to ensure that the threats emanating from the air and space environment can be effectively tackled.[41] While the physical borders between the land, sea and air are readily evident, the physical border between air and space is not as clear. The atmosphere gradually disappears and space gradually starts. Furthermore, from a physical point of view, earths entire connection to space is through the atmosphere. Every movement into space begins with movement through air. Thus, from a physical point of view, space is linked with air.[42] Conceptually thinking, we cannot easily ignore the vast differences between operations in the atmosphere and in space? Current military thought suggests that space is a medium separate and distinct from the atmosphere with physical characteristics unique enough that a barrier forms between the two. The atmosphere is a realm of substance offering the advantages of protection from radiation, thermal transfer of heat and the ability to produce and control lift and drag. These aspects of the air medium make it considerably different than the realm of space.[43] Space assets are differentiated from air platforms by being non-air breathing. Military force includes all of the civilian elements such as contractor support that are required to sustain air or space operations.[44] It is difficult to analyse these and many more issues dealing with space without a general, overarching theory of space power. The task is made even more difficult by several other factors, such as the limited experience base in military space operations, the tight security classification concerning much of what goes on in space, and the thoroughly sub-divided responsibility for space operations. Thus, we have a conundrum-a jig-saw puzzle that will someday picture how space power fits or doesnt fit with air power. Solving the puzzle represents a major leadership challenge.[45] The answers to these questions will drive the future direction the military takes in space. Fundamentally influencing these answers is the militarys organizationally held perceptions of the air and space environment itself. The militarys view of this environment not only shapes the role the military sees for itself in space, but affects how it develops space forces necessary to support that role.[46] CHAPTER III Air and space power is a critical—and decisive—element in protecting our nation and deterring aggression. It will only remain so if we as professional airmen study, evaluate, and debate our capabilities and the environment of the future. Just as technology and world threat and opportunities change, so must our doctrine. We, each of us, must be the articulate and knowledgeable advocates of air and space power. —General Michael E. Ryan ROLES AND APPLICATIONS OF SPACE POWER Victory smiles upon those who anticipate the changes in the character of war not upon those who wait to adapt themselves after the changes occur. Guilio Douhet Man has a compelling urge to explore, to discover and to try to go where no one has ever been before. As most of the Earth has already been explored and even though it is going to be there for a very long time, men have now turned to space exploration as their next objective.[47] Space has provided us with huge capability because of its reach and ubiquity. The roles and applications of Space range widely from direct military roles of using it as a platform to launch weapons or support role of enhancing the capabilities of human beings in both military and civil field. Thus as we race into the next decade, a new frontier seems to be opening up in space with vast potential for military, science and exploration activities. So far as the armed forces are concerned, the sensor like satellites would provide them with unheard-of capabilities in a large number of fields.[48] Space power is becoming an in ­creasingly important aspect of na ­tional strength, but experts disagree about how best to develop its poten ­tial. Like airpower, space power relies heavily upon advanced technology, but technology is useless unless space professionals apply it properly. Air Force leaders recognize that the service needs to nurture a team of highly dedicated space professionals who are prepared to exploit advanced technologies and operating concepts. Concern about the fu ­ture direction of military activities in space has spurred debate over which technologies to produce and how best to develop space professionals. Moral, theoretical, and doc ­trinal questions also loom large. Underlying all of these considerations are political and diplomatic factors[49]. Supporting Role Today, space power pro ­vides supporting functions such as commu ­nications, reconnaissance, and navigation by global positioning system (GPS) satellites. By the end of 1999, at least 2300 military oriented satellites had already been launched. The functions of military satellites, which constitute about 75% of all satellites orbited, ranged from navigation, communications, meteorological and reconnaissance[50]. New technologies move large amounts of data around the world at the speed of light. Al-though a century ago people would have con ­sidered such feats science fiction, modern space capabilities make these and so many more things, reality. Space power has transformed our society and our military. Today, at the outset of the twenty-first century, we simply cannot live—or fight and win—without it. Operation Desert Storm is considered as the first space war, however the supporting role of space like providing near real time data from communicati on and meteorological satellites, was present during the war in Vietnam also. The Gulf War of 1991, however, was the â€Å"first conflict in history to make comprehensive use of space systems support.† [51] The support provided by the space based operations has enhanced the military capabilities drastically such that these operations have become inseparable part of every military operation. Some of these roles have been described as under: (a) Communication Satellites Communicating with deployed forces has always presented the military commanders with a problem. This is especially true in todays fast moving world when troops may have to be deployed anywhere in the world at a very short notice. The orbit used by communication satellite is the geostationary orbit. Three of Development of Space Power in India Development of Space Power in India SPACE POWER- A FORCE MULTIPLIER â€Å"The vastness of space is a key factor in the war-form of the future† Alvin Heidi Toffler[1] CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION The Space has always been a matter of great interest to human race, which gazed and tried to explore this cosmic world for thousands of years. Even our own epics talk a lot about space and its utilisation. The space warfare is as old as Indian mythology. However, Science flourished during the European Renaissance and fundamental physical laws governing planetary motion were discovered, and the orbits of the planets around the Sun were calculated. The Chinese were the first to develop a rocket in around 1212 AD. In 1883, a Russian schoolmaster, Konstantin Tsiolkovsky, first explained the mechanics of how a rocket could fly into space.[2]. In the 17th century, astronomers pointed a new device called the telescope at the heavens and made startling discoveries[3]. On 03 Oct 1942, German scientists launched an A-4 rocket, which travelled a distance of 190 km and reached an altitude of over 80 km. Orbital operations started with Soviet Sputnik-1 satellite in 1957[4]. Since then exploration and exploitation of the space has been a continued effort. This led to the unfolding of mysteries of the space world and thus using it for own advantages. Military use of space started with the launch of an American reconnaissance satellite in 1960.[5] Since then, the utilisation of space has been a matter of debate and controversies as far as direct war fighting military roles and missions are concerned. However, the support operations like Intelligence, communication and reconnaissance, which came first, did not face much of resistance. The benefits possible from the space-based support operations were realised very quickly and these operations were extended further to surveillance, mapping, navigation, ground mapping, environmental monitoring etc. Space systems have brought better intelligence and stronger defences by enabling the collection of new types of data and information; significantly increasing communications capabilities and capacities; revolutionizing precision navigation and timing; enriching science; establishing new markets; providing safer air, land, and sea transportation; and enabling faster disaster relief as well as more effective civil planning[6]. The phenomenal utilization and exploitation of the space medium has finally provided the users the power to gain advantage over the enemy. Traditionally, power has been related to explosive ordinance and target destruction. But in the post-Cold War world, the power most often delivered by airmen has taken the form of humanitarian aid: food, medical supplies, and heavy equipment.[7] Also Knowledge is the purest form of power and is the reason that overhead surveillance, reconnaissance, and intelligence-gathering efforts are so important in both war and peace. Information delivered from above can be used to strengthen a friendly regime, discredit an enemy regime, or directly attack the morale of an adversarys frontline troops. They can detect missile launches, nuclear tests and they can provide secure real time communications all over the world. The resolution available with satellite reconnaissance is more than adequate for military needs. The accuracy of GPS is known to us all. In le ss hostile circumstances, the information might consist of humanitarian warnings about impending natural disasters or news about disaster-relief efforts[8]. The meteorological satellites provide accurate weather data from any part of the world. Thus in past few years, space-based systems have enabled dramatic improvement in military and intelligence operations thus enhancing its capability, accuracy and fire power. Thus the Space medium emerging as Space Power and the most effective and widely used force multiplier. METHODOLOGY Statement Of Problem To study and analyse the feasibility of Space Power to evolve as a frontline force multiplier for India and to critically examine the road ahead. Justification Of Study Indias achievement in the field of space capability may not seem to be very advanced especially when compared with the accomplishments of the superpowers and elite members of the satellite club. However, one needs to look at the Indian space programme in isolation to fully understand the tremendous progress and achievements that have been made from such a humble beginning. All the countries have developed launch vehicles as an offshoot of their ballistic missile projects, and their satellites were primarily intended for military use. Non- military applications were a spinoff of the military programmes, whereas India has developed space applications and launch vehicles for totally civilian use. The technology was also used within a broader framework to achieve socio-economic development, and military spin-offs have been incidental. Therefore, India has an inherent advantage as far as civilian support role is concerned however it needs special effort and attitude to develop military support application. Utilization of Space medium and Control of space based assets will be an important ingredient of future world power. President APJ Kalam has stated that accomplishments in space have traditionally been a barometer of international status, technological prowess and enhanced military capability. Rapid advancements in Information Technology, Internet and Com munications are increasingly utilising space based assets. These assets play a decisive role in shaping the outcome of conflicts and are engines that drive economic growths. India and China are likely to be the economic powerhouses of the 21st Century. India is also emerging as a key balancer of Asian stability. By its combined military and space technology, India would be required to contain regional conflicts and prevent unscrupulous exploitation of the Indian Ocean region[9]. Therefore development of space power both for military and civilian use, especially as a force multiplier is must to climb up the pyramid of world power. Perceptions determine actions. The militarys perception of the air and space environment influences the type of space forces it will develop in the future[10]. In Indias context which has belligerent neighbours, space based capabilities are the definite force multiplier. In fact, military strategist call space the new ‘High Ground. Which will bring in revolutionary changes in military affairs. Therefore we need to decide the kind of space force which we need to develop to exploit Space medium to the maximum as a force multiplier to maintain edge in the region. Scope This study analyses the exploitation of Space Force as a force multiplier in the Indian Context. Methods Of Data Collection The information and data for this dissertation has been gathered through internet, various books, papers, journals and newspapers. In addition, lectures delivered by dignitaries at DSSC have been utilised to gather information. The bibliography of sources is appended at the end of the dissertation. Organisation Of The Dissertation It is proposed to study the subject in the following manner:- (a) Chapter I Introduction and Methodology. (b) Chapter II Understanding Space power. (c) Chapter III Roles and Application of Space Power. (d) Chapter IV Space Power as Force Multiplier. (e) Chapter V Indian Capability and the Road Ahead. (f) Chapter VI Recommendations and Conclusion. CHAPTER II UNDERSTANDING SPACE POWER The beginning of wisdom is calling things by their right names. —Confucius Space has fascinated many thinkers, philosophers and Air Warriors equally for a long time. Many a researches and money has gone in exploring and exploiting space but still the concepts are not very clear to many of us. It is extremely important for us to have clear understanding of space before we can evaluate the role and utilization of space medium. Definitions Space Space is void of substance, offers no protection from harmful radiation, and allows only the balance between thrust and gravity with which to maneuver.[11] Space begins where satellites can maintain orbit (81 miles) and extends to infinity.[12] Power is control or authority to influence; the ability to produce an act or event.[13] And Space power is a nations ability to exploit and control the space medium to support and achieve national goals.[14] Gravity The driving force behind all orbital dynamics is the force of gravity and is defined by the law of universal Gravitation given by Isaac Newton in 1687. It states â€Å" Every particle in the universe attracts every other particle with a force that is proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between the particle†.[15] Escape Velocity Satellites maintain orbit around a planet (Earth in our case) at a particular speed at a given height. If the speed is increased, the satellite goes into a higher orbit. Escape velocity is the speed at which the centrifugal force becomes greater than the pull of planetary gravity. The object would then cease to be an Earth-satellite, and start moving away from the earth. At 500 km the escape velocity is 10.8 km/sec.[16] Satellite Inclination Every satellite orbits within a plane that passes through Earths gravitational centre. The angle formed between the orbital plane of the satellite and the plane of the Earths equator. BY convention, it is measured anticlockwise from the equator to the orbital plane at the point where the satellite crosses, passing to north[17]. Orbits with inclination at or closer to 90 degrees are known as ‘polar orbits. ‘Equatorial orbits are those in or very close to the plane of the equator. The rest, between these two limits, are ‘inclined orbits. The combination of the satellites own motion and that of the rotating planet beneath produces a ‘ground track joining the successive points on the planet which fall directly beneath the satellite. The surface area of the planet in line-of-sight or direct communication with any satellite is a function of its altitude and ground track. In the lowest feasible orbits, the area that can be ‘seen by satelli te sensors is no more than that of one of Earths larger cities. Orbital Decay With a perfectly spherical planet of even density, no air resistance, and no minute gravitational pulls from neighbouring bodies (such as Sun, the Moon, and the other planets), a satellite would stay in orbit forever. In the real world these factors upset the balance of forces which sustains the orbit, which causes it to ‘decay, so that the satellite eventually falls to the Earth. For practical purposes, satellites which go below 300 km encounter air resistance serious enough to require intermittent use of on-board boosters to maintain their orbits.[18] Low Earth Orbit (LEO). This orbit ranges from a height of 200 and 5000 km. Polar and highly inclined orbits are favoured for general reconnaissance missions since they give planet-wide coverage. The periods of such range between 90 minutes and a few hours. Sun Synchronous orbit It is the orbit where in the satellite is used for surveillance at optical wave length and whose orbital motion will bring it periodically over the same area of interest at the same sunlight conditions from day to day. These orbital planes are called as Sun Synchronous orbit[19]. These are low earth orbits inclined at about 98 °. Semi-synchronous Orbit. This is circular orbit at 20,700 km with a period of 12 hours. The term is sometimes extended to all orbits between LEO and this orbit. Molniya Orbit. This is a highly elliptical orbit, at an altitude of between 500 40000 km, with a 12 hour period. This orbit is most stable at an inclination of 63 degrees. (At other inclinations gravitational anomalies resulting from irregularities in the shape and density of the planet cause the major axis of such an orbit the line joining the apogee and the perigee points to rotate inconveniently.) This orbit was used by the Soviet Union to provide satellite spending 11 hours out of 12 hours above the northern hemisphere.[20] Geostationary Satellite As the orbital height increases, so orbital period increases. If the orbital height increases to 35875km, the orbital period will be synchronised with the rotation rate of the Earth. Such a satellite would be called a geosynchronous satellite. If these satellite have zero degree of inclination such that these satellites will appear stationary in the sky over a point on the equator to an observer on earth. Such a satellite would be called a geostationary satellite[21]. This is a circular, equatorial orbit at an altitude of 35,700 km. With a period of 24 hours, such satellites appear to remain almost stationary above a fixed point over the equator. In practice, they sometimes describe a very small ‘ of eight ground tracks about such a point. Three or more evenly spaced geostationary satellites can cover most of the planet, except the Polar Regions. These satellites are mainly used for communications or early warning of missiles. Geosynchronous Orbit has li ttle military or other uses because of its large ‘ of eight ground tracks, depending on its inclination. In military discussions the term ‘geostationary, is tending to be replaced by ‘geosynchronous, because the former is the limiting case of the latter. Even a small inclination causes a geostationary satellite to become a ‘strictly speaking geosynchronous one. Military geostationary satellites may sometimes have a use for such a ground track, though seldom for the much wider, true geosynchronous orbit.[22] Super-synchronous Orbit. The orbits above GEO have had little use so far, but offer many options for future military satellites taking refuge from ground based or LEO anti-satellites. Certain points of equilibrium between solar, lunar and terrestrial gravitation are especially interesting.[23] (a) Near-Earth Orbit (NEO) or aerospace extends 50 to 200 kilometers above the Earths surface, incorporating the mesosphere and the lower edge of the ionosphere in an intermediate region where aerodynamics and ballistics interact or succeed each other. In the short term, NEO will remain the primary location for the deployment of manned and unmanned military systems and probable major space industrialization facilities such as a manned space operations center (SOC)[24]. It is through this zone that ballistic missiles must proceed during and after their boost phase and are most vulnerable to antiballistic missile (ABM) systems. However, minimum long-range effects from nuclear explosions are found at altitudes between 50 and 150 kilometers: above 50 kilometers, the mechanical effects of shockwave pressures almost disappear as a consequence of the relatively low air density; below 150 kilometers, the air density is still high enough to reduce the range of corpuscular radiation through di spersion and absorption so that the long-range thermal effect is also not maximum.[25] Therefore, even very powerful nuclear devises in the megaton range must be detonated at relatively close proximity to their intended target at NEO to be effective, although electromagnetic pulse (EMP) effects could seriously disrupt unhardened electronic systems at long-range distances. Nevertheless, targets at NEO, compared to those at higher gravity well zones, are relatively vulnerable to Earth-based intervention because of an inherently short warning time available for the implementation of countermeasures and the minimal amount of energy that the enemy must expend to reach this zone. Conversely, a weapon system such as a fractional orbital bombardment system (FOBS) at NEO could attack targets on Earth with a minimum of warning[26]. (b) (c) The cislunar zone consists of all space between NEO and Lunar Surface Orbit (LSO), including Geosynchronous Earth Orbit (GEO). The cislunar zone provides military systems situated here the defensive option of a longer reaction time to implement countermeasures against Earth- or NEO-based intervention[27]. (d) (e) LSO consists of the zone of space where the Moon orbits the Earth, including Near Lunar Orbit (NLO) or the space immediately surrounding the Moon. (f) (g) The translunar zone is comprised of the space from LSO to approximately one million kilometers from the Earths surface, where the solar gravity well begins to predominate and includes the five Lagrangian points. These final zones will attain increasing military significance as the process of space industrialization evolves. Eventually the Moon and Lagrangian points could be used to dominate the entire Earth-Moon system.[28] Outer Space In the denomination of legal material dealing with the space exploration and nearly the entire space law, the term outer space is commonly used. But this term has not been defined to date with precision despite many attempts undertaken by jurists, International non-governmental and the United Nations bodies[29]. The difference between space and the outer space is generally not recognised. But the former term is wider than the latter and means the whole universe including the earth while outer space means all spaces other than the earth. In fact, outer space begins where the earths atmosphere ends and extends on in all directions infinitely. The upper limit of the air space constitutes the lowest limit of outer space. The outer space in a broader sense also consists of the entire space beyond celestial bodies and their atmosphere. Celestial bodies include all land masses in space and their atmosphere except Earth. Therefore, air space is excluded from outer space. The diff erence between space and outer space is insignificant in so far as the exploration and use of such domain is concerned[30]. (h) The tactical space environment The tactical space environment of the Earth-Moon system can be conceptualized as a series of gravity well zones that are somewhat analogous to terrestrial hills, promontories, and mountains in that much effort and energy must be initially expended to situate forces in such locations. Once attained, however, these positions can be used to dominate the terrain below with relative ease. 1 illustrates in two-dimensional form the gravity well zones of the Earth-Moon system, which are in reality three dimensional spheres[31]. (i) (j) During the next two decades, military space activities and the development of various commercial space enterprises (or space industrialization) will be primarily restricted to this system. Possible military missions in this tactical environment include direct intervention on the Earths surface form space, regulation of the flow of space traffic, protection of military and industrial space facilities, denial of strategic areas of space to others (such as choice satellite orbits at Geosynchronous Earth Orbit and the various Lagrangian points at which objects revolve with the same period as the gravitational Earth-Moon system and thus remain effectively stationary), and various surveillance, reconnaissance, navigation, command, control, and communication functions[32]. CLICHÉ ABOUT SPACE POWER The space power being the latest addition to the force of a Nation, there is still a huge dilemma about its placement, its use whether military or civilian and also its control. Currently, a fully developed space power theory does not exist. USSPACECOM, recognizing the void, has commissioned Dr. Brian R. Sullivan as lead author to develop this theory.[33] Therefore there is requirement to develop a fully fledged theory and doctrine to guide the developed of space power straight from its infancy. Space is the next great arena for exploration and exploitation. We are limited only by imagination to the wonders, challenges and excitement the next century will bring as far as space forces are concerned. Already, civil and commercial sectors have invested billions of dollars in space and the nations military recognizes its role to protect these interests. The debate within the military on how to best exploit this new medium continues. But there is a need to go over few of the basic issues about Space Power to understand it clearly. The militarys current view of the air and space environment seems to simultaneously focus on opposing relationships between the two mediums. Air and space represent two distinct realms and at the same time, they are difficult to separate because of their similarities. These two relationships exist simultaneously and come together to form the following organizational paradigm of the air and space environment: Space and the atmosphere represent two distin ct medium environments physically different from each other; while at the same time, they are physically linked, and theoretically and historically tied.[34] There are few of these set of fundamental issues which require to be vetted if we are to understand space power with the kind of clarity with which we now understand air power and if we are to understand their nexus[35]. First of the issue, is regarding direct use of space as a Space power or weaponising of space to use it as a force itself. We must determine whether space power apply great power quickly to any tangible target on the planet? Many people would answer no to this question because of political restraints on weaponising space. Others would argue for an affirmative answer based on technical, if not political, feasibility. In either case, the question concerning the applicability of the essence remains assumed but undemonstrated. Or perhaps there exists a space power version of the essence that differs from all other military operations, including air power[36]. Also there are concerns regarding the future of space power and the kinds of military operations that are likely to migrate to space. Space may become another battle space, or it may become only a home to military operations focussed on non-lethal activities in support of combat elsewhere. So the major concern is whether space will be used as direct source of force or will continued to be used as a force multiplier only. Why does the military need a space force? The answers to this question shape military space force development by providing a sense of long-term direction, describing how such a force would serve national interests, and prescribing a force structure to fulfill that need. They are foundational answers that ultimately form the basis for space power theory and enable the military to articulate and justify reasons for a military space force. As the military more clearly articulates why space forces are needed, the better it is able to identify specific requirements necessary to achieve those forces. Thus, this question and the next are closely tied together[37]. What should the military do in space? The answers to this question bring the focus from broad to specific. They help formulate the functions and missions of a military space force, and provide the framework for establishing detailed force requirements. To summarize, the answers to the question of who establish the advocates for a military space force development. The answers to the questions of why and what together develop and identify long term direction, and offer short-term input to the resource allocation process.[38] The next issue is to do with the control of space power. This will mainly emerge from our innovation, imagination and farsightedness. Air Power being the strongest contender of claiming the control of space, there is need to deeply study the relationship between Space power and Air Power. This relationship can be well understood only by defining and studying the relationship between space and Air. Who should lead and develop military space forces? This question addresses the need to focus on finding the best organization, or mix of organizations, to advocate a military space force. Military space advocates must be able to justify—on military grounds alone—the necessity of military forces in space. These organizations are the stewards that provide both administrative control over the forces that support military space power, and the war-fighting control of these forces during employment of that power. A space force advocate embraces and promotes the ideals for a military space force, and garners the support necessary to establish such a force[39]. Air and Space relationship The defining characteristic of air power is an operational regime ele ­vated above the earths surface. Conceptually, space power would seem to be more of the same at a higher elevation. The term aerospace, coined in the late 1950s, echoes this same theme, as do official pronouncements such as although there are physical differences between the atmosphere and space, there is no absolute boundary between them. The same basic military activities can be performed in each, albeit with different platforms and methods.[40] The move from earth to space transitsis through the air environment, thereby inherently bringing about a linkage as no space launch or recovery can take place without transiting through the air medium. Any differentiation between the two would be superficial and indefinable. In future, the air and space mediums would provide a seamless environment where Trans Atmospheric Vehicles (TAVs) and re-usable hypersonic vehicles could exploit it freely. In addition, with increas ed proliferation of Ballistic Missiles and development of potent nuclear warheads, there is a need to extend the current Air Defence capabilities to space to ensure that the threats emanating from the air and space environment can be effectively tackled.[41] While the physical borders between the land, sea and air are readily evident, the physical border between air and space is not as clear. The atmosphere gradually disappears and space gradually starts. Furthermore, from a physical point of view, earths entire connection to space is through the atmosphere. Every movement into space begins with movement through air. Thus, from a physical point of view, space is linked with air.[42] Conceptually thinking, we cannot easily ignore the vast differences between operations in the atmosphere and in space? Current military thought suggests that space is a medium separate and distinct from the atmosphere with physical characteristics unique enough that a barrier forms between the two. The atmosphere is a realm of substance offering the advantages of protection from radiation, thermal transfer of heat and the ability to produce and control lift and drag. These aspects of the air medium make it considerably different than the realm of space.[43] Space assets are differentiated from air platforms by being non-air breathing. Military force includes all of the civilian elements such as contractor support that are required to sustain air or space operations.[44] It is difficult to analyse these and many more issues dealing with space without a general, overarching theory of space power. The task is made even more difficult by several other factors, such as the limited experience base in military space operations, the tight security classification concerning much of what goes on in space, and the thoroughly sub-divided responsibility for space operations. Thus, we have a conundrum-a jig-saw puzzle that will someday picture how space power fits or doesnt fit with air power. Solving the puzzle represents a major leadership challenge.[45] The answers to these questions will drive the future direction the military takes in space. Fundamentally influencing these answers is the militarys organizationally held perceptions of the air and space environment itself. The militarys view of this environment not only shapes the role the military sees for itself in space, but affects how it develops space forces necessary to support that role.[46] CHAPTER III Air and space power is a critical—and decisive—element in protecting our nation and deterring aggression. It will only remain so if we as professional airmen study, evaluate, and debate our capabilities and the environment of the future. Just as technology and world threat and opportunities change, so must our doctrine. We, each of us, must be the articulate and knowledgeable advocates of air and space power. —General Michael E. Ryan ROLES AND APPLICATIONS OF SPACE POWER Victory smiles upon those who anticipate the changes in the character of war not upon those who wait to adapt themselves after the changes occur. Guilio Douhet Man has a compelling urge to explore, to discover and to try to go where no one has ever been before. As most of the Earth has already been explored and even though it is going to be there for a very long time, men have now turned to space exploration as their next objective.[47] Space has provided us with huge capability because of its reach and ubiquity. The roles and applications of Space range widely from direct military roles of using it as a platform to launch weapons or support role of enhancing the capabilities of human beings in both military and civil field. Thus as we race into the next decade, a new frontier seems to be opening up in space with vast potential for military, science and exploration activities. So far as the armed forces are concerned, the sensor like satellites would provide them with unheard-of capabilities in a large number of fields.[48] Space power is becoming an in ­creasingly important aspect of na ­tional strength, but experts disagree about how best to develop its poten ­tial. Like airpower, space power relies heavily upon advanced technology, but technology is useless unless space professionals apply it properly. Air Force leaders recognize that the service needs to nurture a team of highly dedicated space professionals who are prepared to exploit advanced technologies and operating concepts. Concern about the fu ­ture direction of military activities in space has spurred debate over which technologies to produce and how best to develop space professionals. Moral, theoretical, and doc ­trinal questions also loom large. Underlying all of these considerations are political and diplomatic factors[49]. Supporting Role Today, space power pro ­vides supporting functions such as commu ­nications, reconnaissance, and navigation by global positioning system (GPS) satellites. By the end of 1999, at least 2300 military oriented satellites had already been launched. The functions of military satellites, which constitute about 75% of all satellites orbited, ranged from navigation, communications, meteorological and reconnaissance[50]. New technologies move large amounts of data around the world at the speed of light. Al-though a century ago people would have con ­sidered such feats science fiction, modern space capabilities make these and so many more things, reality. Space power has transformed our society and our military. Today, at the outset of the twenty-first century, we simply cannot live—or fight and win—without it. Operation Desert Storm is considered as the first space war, however the supporting role of space like providing near real time data from communicati on and meteorological satellites, was present during the war in Vietnam also. The Gulf War of 1991, however, was the â€Å"first conflict in history to make comprehensive use of space systems support.† [51] The support provided by the space based operations has enhanced the military capabilities drastically such that these operations have become inseparable part of every military operation. Some of these roles have been described as under: (a) Communication Satellites Communicating with deployed forces has always presented the military commanders with a problem. This is especially true in todays fast moving world when troops may have to be deployed anywhere in the world at a very short notice. The orbit used by communication satellite is the geostationary orbit. Three of